To continue our mission, we need law enforcement professionals and those who support our work to join us.
To become a member of the Georgia Chapter, you must also hold a membership with NOBLE National. Membership is not just for ranking members of law enforcement agencies. Membership is open to law enforcement professionals of all ranks, as well as non-sworn leaders across the criminal justice system.
When applying online, make sure you enter GEORGIA in the chapter affiliation field.
Regular Membership
Law enforcement CEOs and command level officials with the rank of Lieutenant or above and federal government law enforcement officials with the grade of GS-13 and above. Civilian criminal justice executives who are active members of a federal, state, or municipal law enforcement agency, or other agency, and whose permanent position is that of Director, Deputy Director, Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, or Chief Executive Officer of a law enforcement agency or department.
Associate Membership
Law enforcement individuals below the rank of Lieutenant, criminal justice educators, and federal government law enforcement individuals with a grade below GS-13. Civilian criminal justice manager/administrator who is currently employed in a federal, state, or municipal law enforcement agency.
To JOIN the Georgia Chapter of NOBLE, send an email to and express your interest. Dues are $45.00 annually for all members, regardless of NOBLE National membership category.
For existing members self-paying - use the "Buy Now" button.
($2 fee applies to PayPal payments) Log in to PayPal OR choose Pay with Debit or Credit Card
For existing members having someone make payment for them: send an email to to request an invoice. Specify who the payment is for and will be by credit card or check.
Checks should be made payable to Georgia Chapter of NOBLE and mailed to:
P.O. Box 50378
Atlanta, GA, 30303